A review by Tony Dixon

By September 23, 2016Uncategorized


I recommend Mind Your Language school to anyone serious about learning to speak Thai. I arrived from England nine weeks ago and although I did some home study ( book and CD) I could not understand nor speak Thai . I was frustrated that none of the phrases that I had memorized were being understood and that I could not understand Thai conversations. Google to the rescue, pointing me towards MYL school, good move! I booked a place on the Two Weeks to Speak Thai course and before the course finished was having simple conversations with my Thai girlfriend and her friends.

The course was based around everyday life here on Samui using questions, answers and repetition. Jom our tutor was patient, understanding and always bringing an element of fun into the lessons which helped me considerably. Not only my girlfriend and her friends speak Thai to me but when the staff in the complex where I live found out I was studying Thai they also speak Thai to me.

I am grateful to Jom and MYL school for a fun and informative two weeks which has given me the knowledge and confidence to speak Thai.

Tony Dixon
From England